Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Six Months and counting

Yesterday mark the 6th month birthday of my sweet little boy.  I seriously cannot believe how our lives have changed in the past 6 months and can't wait to see what else the future brings us.

So far at six months, James enjoys: 

- Reading books - loves when we read to him and make special sound effects
-Exploring -He loves going outside and playing in the grass
-He loves being held by just about anyone
- He loves touching and feeling everything.
- He loves playing Peek-A-Boo.
- He loves when Grandma comes for a visit and plays with him all day.
- He loves rolling over or as much as he can.
- Tummy time - He is actually starting to like being on his tummy more.
-Started to speak more-  On Easter it sound like he said Da Da!!!  One day soon he will say Mama...

Let's see what the future has in stored for us.  

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

This past weekend...

After being sick for the past few weeks and being cooped up, it was a refreshing change to have company this weekend.  Our near and dear friends from Seattle flew down to visit us.  Even a nasty cold could not prevent us from having fun.  It was a weekend filled with great company, good food and board games.  It was exactly what the doctor order.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Baby makes 3...

On October 8, we welcomed the arrival of our son James.   After my last doctor's appt at 38 weeks, the doctor thought it was best to schedule an inducement since I was already dilated at 4 cm and almost 100% enfaced.   

On Monday at 8:25 am, we arrived to hospital to be induced.  After filling out what seemed to be countless forms, my doctor came in and broke my water at 9:10 am.  After drying off, we took a tour of the hospital floor a few times before the contractions started to kick in.  Little one was ready to come out.  So we returned to our room and I was immediately hooked up to the monitors.  Once the contractions were close enough it was time to push.  At 12:25 pm it was time to push.  I pushed and pushed and pushed what seemed like forever to me but in reality it was only 45 minutes.  By 1:10 pm, I was holding James in my arms.

I like to tell people that we came up with the name James after my fabulous anesthesiologist who made child birth a breeze.  Thanks Dr. James P.

My hubby says I didn't break a sweat.  

Look at all that HAIR!!!

8 lbs 15 oz  

Monday, September 3, 2012

Hello September...

Good Bye August!  Hello September!!!  The month ended in a bang; I spent the last few days of the month in the hospital.  After visiting my doctor's office for a routine check up, I expressed concerns with the physician assistant who was assigned since my doctor was away for the long weekend.  I expressed some pelvic pressure and she and another doctor reviewed my cervix and found that I was 2-3 cms dilated.  O_0  The doctor on call decided it was in my best interest to visit the Labor and Delivery dept for further test.

Once at the hospital, they monitored my fetal heartbeat activity and noticed that I was having several contractions during the course of my visit.  So they decided to keep me over night for further evaluation.  One night lead to two nights of monitoring and several medications later and a visit to the prenatal unit.  Hopefully this will be the last hospital stay until the baby arrives in 6 weeks (cross my fingers).

On Saturday, the doctor on call decided that since the contractions have been fairly controlled it was fine to released me.  Now I am happy to be home again..resting in my own bed.  As doctor's orders, I am on bed rest for the next two weeks.  The only time I am allowed out is for doctor's visits.  I am having a hard time adjusting to bed rest since, I have been pretty activity during my entire pregnancy.  It is difficult to give up my independence and have my hubby take over the controls.  I must admit he has been awesome during this whole ordeal.  He was by my side through the whole scary process (even slept on the hospital couch multiple nights) and I am so grateful to have such an awesome hubby.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Life according to my camera...

This past weekend as the temperature continues to rise, we looked for creative ways to cool off.  So far we found lots of trips to Yogurtland and dips in the pool really helps ALOT.   Nothing feels better than lounging in pool when your 33 weeks pregnant.   It is nice feeling of not having to support all this extra cargo even if it is short term.

In addition to cooling off,  we had our first child care class on Saturday.  We practiced diaper changing and swaddling.  Than they taught us the basics of child care.  Woo hoo!!!  We both managed to ace that mini class.  I guess this means we are ready to have a baby NOW.

Look Mom!  I know how to swaddle a baby!!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Lucky Day...

Most amazing discovery happened this weekend.  I am elated that one of my eBay sales was featured in Lucky Magazine this month.  They have an ad for fashion finds on eBay.  Early this summer, I sold a beautiful rare Dries Van Noten patchwork silk dress.  The buyer initially told me that they were planning to use the dress for a photo shoot.  Little did I know it was going to be featured in one of my favorite magazines...LUCKY!!!

Here is my one minute of fame.  Enjoy the photos!!!

*****UPDATE***** Just discovered this ad is also in this month's Instyle magazine too.  Minute of fame just moved to two minutes.  :)

Happy Friday!!!

Happy Friday!!!Tomorrow is officially my 33nd week.  This mama-to-be is getting bigger as the days go by.  I seriously cannot believe how fast this pregnancy has been fly by.   We are slowly getting things ready for the little one's arrival.  We start classes tomorrow...wish us luck. 

Another thing, I cannot believe is I am an aunt AGAIN!!!  My sister was induced on Saturday night.  She delivered an adorable little boy on Sunday morning.  He was 7lbs 4 oz and 20 inches long.  He will be the first addition to my side.  Both baby and mommy are doing well.  They just got released from the hospital last night.  They had to stay an extra couple of days since they both got a fever during their stay.  Now the happy little family is getting settled.

I can't wait to meet my new nephew.  He is the first addition to my side of the family.  That little boy has already capture everyone's heart.  Auntie loves u!!!